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The useAuthorArchive Hook

The useAuthorArchive hook is the Next.js binding for the useFetchAuthorArchive.

The useAuthorArchive hook fetches a collection of WordPress posts from a registered post type filtered by an author.

Basic Usage (Author Archive)

Assuming a src/pages/author/[...path].js route with the following content.


This example is using the catch-all route [..path].js because we do not want the /author path to be handled by this route.

import { useAuthorArchive } from '@headstartwp/next';

const ArchivePage = () => {
const { loading, error, data } = useAuthorArchive({ per_page: 10 });

if (loading) {
return 'Loading...';

if (error) {
return 'error...';

return (
{data?.posts?.map((post) => (
<h2 key={}>{post.title.rendered}</h2>

The route will automatically render the latest 10 posts from the current author. The following paths will automatically be handled by the hook.

  • /author/author-name
  • /author/author-name/page/2

Author Archive for Custom Post Type

In order to fetch posts from a custom post type, first declare the custom post type in headstartwp.config.js as explained in the headstartwp.config.js section.

import { useAuthorArchive } from '@headstartwp/next';

const ArchivePage = () => {
// book must be declared in headstartwp.config.js
const { loading, error, data } = useAuthorArchive({ postType: ['book'] });

if (loading) {
return 'Loading...';

if (error) {
return 'error...';

return (
{data?.posts?.map((post) => (
<h2 key={}>{post.title.rendered}</h2>