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Mutating Data

It is possible to use the useSwr mutate function to mutate data on the client. The data-fetching hooks expose the "bound mutate" function from swr. Below is an example of optimistically updating the UI to like a post.

Example of liking a post logic would look like
const LikePost = () => {
const { data, mutate } = usePost();

if (loading) {
return <Placeholder />

function like() {
if (!data) {

// run an async function `makeRequestToLikePost`
// but update UI immediately with `optimisticData`
// once the async function resolves,
// it will revalidate the data from the server
// this assumes the next request to fetch the same post will
// return the updated count
mutate(() => makeRequestToLikePost(, {
optimisticData: {,
meta: {,
like_count: + 1
return <Heart count={} onClick={() => {like()}} />

In the example above we're assuming a post has a meta field called like_count that holds the total number of likes the post has. When clicking the like button, it will issue a remote fetch call to run the mutation on the server but update the UI immediately with `optimisticData``.

Once the remote mutation finishes running, another request will be issued by the framework to re-fetch the post, which we assume, will already have the updated like_count.

If for some reason, anything fails with the remote mutation, when revalidating the data will roll back to the previous value.