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Prefetching data on the server

To enable prefetching data on the server use the fetchHookData function alongside addHookData. We also recommend using the handleError function and to wrap the fetchHookData call in a try/catch.

import { 
} from '@headstartwp/next';

const params = { postType: ['post', 'page'] };

const SinglePostsPage = () => {
const { data } = usePost(params);

// when doing ssr/ssg data will always be available so handling loading/error state is optional

return (

export default SinglePostsPage;

// or export async function getServerSideProps(context)
export async function getStaticProps(context) {
try {
const usePostHook = await fetchHookData(usePost.fetcher(), context, { params });

return addHookData([usePostHook], { myCustomProp: 'value' });
} catch (e) {
return handleError(e, context);
  • The fetchHookData function receives a strategy, the Next.js context object and an object containing the params. The params must match the params passed to the hook, hence why it's been moved into a variable outside of the SinglePostsPage component.
  • The addHookData receives an array of responses returned by fetchHookData and prepares that data to be returned to the page as props. If you need to pass additional props just pass them in the second argument.
  • The handleError function handles errors such as 404, redirects (when redirects are set to 404) among other things.

We recommend reviewing the starter project for more examples of prefetching data on the server.