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The preview feature requires the HeadstartWP plugin installed. The preview functionality is built on top of Next.js preview API. It uses a short-lived JWT token generated on the WordPress side that can only be used for previewing, this means it is not necessary to set up a hardcoded secret between WP and Next.js.

For previews to work, make sure the frontend URL is entered in WP settings as per instructions in Installing WordPress Plugin.

The logic for generating the JWT token and redirecting it to the preview endpoint can be seen here.

$token = PreviewToken::generate(
'type' => 'preview',
'post_type' => $post_type,
'post_id' => $post_id,

$preview_url = sprintf(
trailingslashit( Plugin::get_react_url() ),
$is_revision ? '1' : '0',

wp_redirect( $preview_url );

Below is a summary of the preview workflow.

  • First a token of type preview is generated
  • The token encodes the post type and post id.
  • A preview URL is generated assuming the preview endpoint lives at /api/preview
  • WordPress redirects to the preview endpoint
  • The token is sent alongside the post_type, post_id and a boolean indicating whether the post being previewed is a revision or not.
  • The token is verified against the parameters and the token is used to fetch the post's draft/revision content.


The Next.js project must expose an api/preview endpoint that uses the previewHandler.

import { previewHandler } from '@headstartwp/next';

* The Preview endpoint just needs to proxy the default preview handler
* @param {*} req Next.js request object
* @param {*} res Next.js response object
* @returns
export default async function handler(req, res) {
return previewHandler(req, res);

That's all that is needed to enable WordPress preview.

While previewing the URL will not reflect the actual URL of the post, but instead, it will contain the post id and a -preview suffix.

previewHandler options


This allows you to alter the preview data object before it is stored by Next.js (i.e before calling res.setPreviewData). You can use this if you need to add additional fields to preview data object.

export default async function handler(req, res) {
return previewHandler(req, res, {
preparePreviewData(req, res, post, previewData) {
return { ...previewData, name: };

name would now be available in the context object of getServerSideProps and getStaticProps (ctx.previewData);



This option was added in @headstartwp/[email protected].


A better alternative is using preview.usePostLinkForRedirect. With this setting, you can set up previews so that it uses the property of the post for redirecting to the appropriate path/route. This requires that your WordPress permalink matches the Next.js route structure. Check out the docs for preview.usePostLinkForRedirect.

The getRedirectPath option allows you to customize the redirected URL that should handle the preview request. This can be useful if you have implemented a non-standard URL structure. For instance, if the permalink for your posts is /%category%/%postname%/ you could create a /src/pages/[category]/[...path.js] route to handle single post. However, once you do that the previewHandler doesn't know how to redirect to that URL and as such you will have to provide your own redirect handling.

The framework will also use this value to restrict the preview cookie to the post being previewed to avoid bypassing getStaticProps until the cookie expires or the browser is closed. See the Next.js docs for more info.

import { getPostTerms } from '@headstartwp/core';
import { previewHandler } from '@headstartwp/next';

export default async function handler(req, res) {
return previewHandler(req, res, {
getRedirectPath(defaultRedirectPath, post) {
const { type, id, slug } = post;

if (type === 'post') {
const terms = getPostTerms(post);

if (Array.isArray(terms?.category) && terms.category.length > 0) {
const [category] = terms.category;

return `/${categorySlug}/${id}/${slug || id}`;

return defaultRedirectPath



Instead of implementing onRedirect we recommend implementing getRedirectPath instead as that will only enable the preview cookie for the post being previewed.

The onRedirect gives you full access to the req and res objects. If you do need implement this function we recommend also implementing getRedirectPath.


When handling redirects yourself, make sure to always append -preview=true to the end of the redirected URL.

import { getPostTerms } from '@headstartwp/core';
import { previewHandler } from '@headstartwp/next';

export default async function handler(req, res) {
return previewHandler(req, res, {
onRedirect(req, res, previewData) {
return res.redirect('/custom-path-preview-true');

The usePostLinkForRedirect setting

The preview.usePostLinkForRedirect was added in @headstartwp/[email protected] and it tells the preview handler to use the actual post permalink to figure out where it should redirect to. With this setting, previewing a post will automatically redirect to a route in Next.js based on the permalink structure set in WordPress. As an example let's say you have a custom post type called news and its permalink structure is /news/news-name. If your Next.js URL structure strictly follows that pattern you would have a route at pages/news/[...path].js. Therefore HeadstartWP can infer the proper path to a preview request for a post of type news.

This becomes even more useful when you have a more complicated permalink structure, let's say your news post type adds the category name to the url such as /news/political/news-name. If both your Next.js project and WordPress are following the same permalink structure, no additional logic is required to get previews to work. Previously permalinks like this would require providing custom logic in getRedirectPath.

Note that by default, draft posts will not have a pretty permalink, instead, they have something like so HeadstartWP adds a new rest field for all public post types called: _headless_wp_preview_link which will return a pretty permalink even for draft posts. This field will be used by the previewHandler for draft posts.

If you are overriding permalink in WordPress via filter you must ensure that draft posts have a fallback post name. e.g:

// adds category to the news permalink and prefix it with "newsroom"
function ( $post_link, $post ) {
if ( 'news' !== $post->post_type ) {
return $post_link;

// draft posts won't have `$post->post_name` set.
$post_name = empty( $post->post_name ) ? sanitize_title( $post->post_title ) : $post->post_name;
$post_name = empty( $post_name ) ? $post->ID : $post_name;

$fallback = esc_url( home_url( sprintf( 'newsroom/%s', $post_name ) ) );

$news_types = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, 'category', [ 'fields' => 'slugs' ] );

if (
is_wp_error( $news_types ) ||
! is_array( $news_types ) ||
! count( $news_types ) > 0
) {
return $fallback;

return esc_url( home_url( sprintf( 'newsroom/%s/%s', $news_types[0], $post_name ) ) );

You can also use a placeholder instead of manually handling post_name yourself e.g:

$post_name = empty( $post->post_name ) ? '%postname%' : $post->post_name;

When building the permalink for draft posts the framework will automatically replace %postname or %pagename% with the post_name (based on the title) or a fallback to post id.


After a while, the preview URL stops working

The JWT token expires after 5 min by default, after this period, open another preview window from WordPress to preview the post. The Next.js preview cookie also last for only 5 minutes.

I'm unable to preview a custom post type

Make sure you defined the right single property when registering the custom post type. See headless config docs. The single property must match the route prefix for the custom post type.

I have a custom authentication using the Authorization header, how can I use the preview functionality?

Make sure you have HeadstartWP plugin >= 1.0.1, @headstartwp/core >= 1.3.1 and @headstartwp/next>= 1.3.1. Then in your headstartwp.config.js add the following config:

module.exports = {
// other configs.
// ...

preview: {
alternativeAuthorizationHeader: true

This will tell HeadstartWP to use an alternative header (X-HeadstartWP-Authorization) instead of the default Authorization header.