Interface: StylesProperties
▪ [k: string
]: unknown
• Optional
border: Object
Border styles.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
color? | string | Sets the border-color CSS property. |
radius? | string | Sets the border-radius CSS property. |
style? | string | Sets the border-style CSS property. |
width? | string | Sets the border-width CSS property. |
Defined in
• Optional
color: Object
Color styles.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
background? | string | Sets the background-color CSS property. |
gradient? | string | Sets the background CSS property. |
text? | string | Sets the color CSS property. |
Defined in
• Optional
spacing: Object
Spacing styles.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
blockGap? | string | Sets the --wp--style--block-gap CSS custom property when settings.spacing.blockGap is true. |
margin? | { bottom? : string ; left? : string ; right? : string ; top? : string } | Margin styles. |
margin.bottom? | string | Sets the margin-bottom CSS property. |
margin.left? | string | Sets the margin-left CSS property. |
margin.right? | string | Sets the margin-right CSS property. | | string | Sets the margin-top CSS property. |
padding? | { bottom? : string ; left? : string ; right? : string ; top? : string } | Padding styles. |
padding.bottom? | string | Sets the padding-bottom CSS property. |
padding.left? | string | Sets the padding-left CSS property. |
padding.right? | string | Sets the padding-right CSS property. | | string | Sets the padding-top CSS property. |
Defined in
• Optional
typography: Object
Typography styles.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
fontFamily? | string | Sets the font-family CSS property. |
fontSize? | string | Sets the font-size CSS property. |
fontStyle? | string | Sets the font-style CSS property. |
fontWeight? | string | Sets the font-weight CSS property. |
letterSpacing? | string | Sets the letter-spacing CSS property. |
lineHeight? | string | Sets the line-height CSS property. |
textDecoration? | string | Sets the text-decoration CSS property. |
textTransform? | string | Sets the text-transform CSS property. |